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26th Communiqué from the Reza Shahabi Defence Committee

Reza Shahabi sentenced to six years imprisonment and torture and five years of silence

Reza Shahabi has now been sentenced to 6 years imprisonment by Judge Salavati in Branch 15 of Tehran's “Islamic Revolutionary Court", after being incarcerated and persecuted for more than 22 months.

This sentence includes a year’s prison sentence on charges of “propaganda activities against the system” and five years in prison on false charges of “conspiracy with the intention of acting against national security”. The false accusations under which Shahabi has been sentenced demonstrate the anti-working class nature of the judicial system. Reza Shahabi’s only crime is defending the rights of workers and his colleagues. Given the very serious situation, even the prison official’s coroner has prompted protests and warnings; every day of incarceration for Reza Shahabi is nothing but physical torture.

Also in this Judgment, Reza Shahabi, a bus worker, Executive Board member and Treasurer of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran Vahed Bus Company, has been prohibited from all union activities for five years, which simply means an attempt to silence this active and noble human being.

Adding insult to injury to this anti-worker sentence, Reza Shahabi has also been sentenced to pay a fine of seven million Tomans into the state coffers. This is the sum of money collected from many workers (whose names are documented on websites), which was given by Reza, as a trustee to the families of imprisoned workers.

In these circumstances where such outrageous inhuman sentences are carried out against workers and labour activists, the Iranian government still acts in the context of international bodies, including the International Labour Organisation, as if no workers or labour activists in Iran are incarcerated in gaol!

The Reza Shahabi Defence Committee, while condemning this latest anti-worker pronouncement, representing its 500 members, including Reza Shahabi's family members, fellow workers and labour activists, calls on all workers, labour activists, local and international labour organisations and institutions to carry out a united and coordinated protest campaign against these sentences and asks them to inform this committee of their proposed action plans in order to assist bringing about a coordinated set of actions.

Reza Shahabi Defence Committee
[email protected]

Committee Spokesperson: Mahmoud Salehi: +



Reza Shahabi à été condamné à 6 ans de prison et de torture

 et  à 5 ans de silence.


Communiqué N ° 26 du Comité de défense de Reza Shahabi.



Après 22 mois d'emprisonnement et de persécution, le juge de la 15ème chambre du Tribunal révolutionnaire de Téhéran, Ghazi Salavati, a condamné  Reza Shahabi, à 6 ans de prison ferme. Cela comprend une peine de prison d'un an pour "propagande contre le régime" et de cinq ans pour «conspiration avec l'intention de porter atteinte à la sécurité nationale".


Ces accusations non fondées révèlent la nature hostile du tribunal envers les travailleurs car Réza Shahabi a milité uniquement pour la défense des droits des travailleurs, les siens et ceux de ses collègues. 


Vu la situation très grave de Shahabi en prison que même les médecins légistes dénoncent avec inquiétude, chaque jour passé en prison c'est de la  torture physique pour lui.


Ce jugement condamne également Reza Shahabi, membre du conseil d'administration et directeur financier du syndicat Vahed des travailleurs de la Société des transports en commun de Téhéran, à 5 ans d'interdiction d'activités et contraint au silence cet homme honnête et déterminé.


En vertu de cette sentence, Reza Shahabi  est condamné, en plus, à rembourser 7 millions de toumans ( environ 4.400 euros) aux caisses de l'Etat. Cette somme a été récoltée par de nombreux travailleurs (dont la liste figure sur des sites d'internet) et Réza, leur personne de confiance, l'a versée aux familles des travailleurs emprisonnés.


Malgré ces peines inhumaines infligées aux travailleurs et aux militants ouvriers, l'Etat iranien est présent aux instances internationales, notamment l'Organisation internationale du Travail, et prétend qu'aucun travailleur ni militant n'est emprisonné en Iran.


Le Comité de défense de Réza Shahabi, au nom de ses 500 membres  -  travailleurs et militants ouvriers et la famille de Réza Shahabi - condamne ce verdict et demande son annulation. Le Comité appelle les travailleurs, les militants ouvriers, les organisations des travailleurs nationales et internationales à dénoncer unanimement ce jugement et de lui adresser leurs propositions pour prendre des mesures communes et d'organiser des actions coordonnées.



Comité de défense de Reza Shahabi - 14/04/2012

k.d.shahabi @


Le porte-parole du Comité de défense : M. Mahmoud Salehi




              Sample Protest letter:

Please take a moment to send this protest letter or use your own version:


Free Reza Shahabi


I (we) have been informed that, after being incarcerated for more than 22 months, Reza Shahabi has been sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, by Judge Salavati of the Branch 15 of Tehran's “Islamic Revolutionary Court".  This includes a year’s prison sentence on charges of “propaganda activities against the system” and five years in prison on false charges of “conspiracy with the intention of acting against national security”.  Also in this court order, Reza Shahabi has been sentenced to prohibition of activities for five years, which only means an attempt in silencing this labour activist.


Reza Shahabi’s only crime is to be representing workers and defending the rights of workers and members of his union.


Reza Shahabi, treasurer and a board member of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Vahed Bus Company, has been in custody in the notorious Evin prison since 12 June 2010. After almost a year, on 25 May 2011 he was tried in a court in Tehran on charges of “propaganda against the Islamic State” and “conspiracy against National Security”. As a result of mistreatment of Shahabi in jail, his health has deteriorated significantly. There is a growing fear that Reza might become paralyzed as a result of his worsening health conditions.


I (we) strongly condemn these unjust sentences against Reza Shahabi. I (we) also denounce ongoing persecution and arrests of labour activists in Iran. I (we) demand annulment of the sentences against Reza Shahabi and the immediate and unconditional freedom of all labour activists.






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